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Cospolich: An All-American Success Story

What makes a company All-American? What makes their story worth remembering? It’s about performance, certainly, the ability to out-do and outshine one’s competitors. But it’s just as much about the values behind that performance—the hard work, perseverance, and creativity that make it possible.

And don’t forget passion. Every great company shows a passion for providing customers with the best possible product or outcome, with service to match.

You don’t want to just remember an All-American story, you want to pass it on.

All-American vs. All-Too-Common

In an All-American story, you see men and women managing their companies’ products from start to finish. They stand behind design, and they’re responsible for manufacturing. They deliver the goods as promised, and they’re willing to solve problems and answer concerns. It’s the story where people are committed to excellence, to producing a superior product and service for a superior customer experience.

Just ask the United States Navy: there’s a Cospolich freezer, refrigerator, counter, or cabinet (or all of the above) on every U.S. Naval vessel currently in the water.

In today’s marketplace, however, it’s getting harder and harder to find a company capable of meeting such lofty expectations. The All-American way of doing business sounds nice in principle. In practice, “second-rate” is now an acceptable business plan: the idea that an inferior product will wear out sooner and possibly even lead to more sales!

Enter outsourcing and overseas manufacturing, customer service reps half a world away. Suddenly craftsmanship and exceptional service—like Polaroid photos—are as nostalgic as they are eccentric.

And you can just forget about “custom made,” or anything requiring personal, individualized attention. The fact of the matter is that, one-by-one, more and more companies are trading their All-American story for a tale of mediocrity.

The Promise of Cospolich

Cospolich is different. At Cospolich, the All-American story is as strong and vibrant as it’s ever been. Just ask the United States Navy: there’s a Cospolich freezer, refrigerator, counter, or cabinet (or all of the above) on every U.S. Naval vessel currently in the water.

As customers browse our extensive line of galley and shipboard food service equipment, they can rest assured that each and every product was built in the United States. They can even talk to the people who built and developed the equipment. Do customers need something specific, a unique design for a unique or unusual situation? We can do that too. Cospolich combines effort and ingenuity to guarantee a fantastic product.

The Story Continues

At Cospolich, the All-American story is about engaging and listening to our clients to understand their needs and to exceed their expectations. It’s what we do--everyday. We’re not interested in “minimizing exposure” or “guarding against loss.” We work harder on the front end, exploring potential problems and designing solutions before they’re even needed. Hell or high water, we stand by our products 100%—which is a good thing, for those who spend a lot of time at sea.

Want to learn more about Cospolich’s All-American galley products? Check out any one of our many product lines!


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